Thursday, December 11, 2008

The framing has been completed. The trusses should go up tomorrow, and then the decking. Yes, that is a cat on top of the wall, and 3 dogs in the house.(Hobo is the dark brown new 'find'.

The delay from illness and lack of follow through and change of roof supplier has taken it's toll.
We will not have a house by Christmas. But that was probably really NOT going to really happen, anyway. WE will have a roof though, we will be dried in. Hopefully we will get a loan for Christmas. (Pray for such!)
The crew that are doing the frame work are again a God send. They are local too, the out of towner we thought would be the 'better deal' was 3x more than this crew. These guys are great, they helped me fix some walls that changed up because I just found 2 of my showers 'moved' thus a few adjustments had to be made-- But they really helped a great deal made sure everything centered etc. Like they actually care! The second day they were putting up walls, it was COLD even had some snow flurries.

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